Maximize the value of your home and achieve a quick, record-breaking sale by working with us. 

“I can’t say enough good things about Kenny and the friendship we have developed.  It truly is great to have Kenny on our side and have someone that knows Lake Tahoe and loves Lake Tahoe like he does.”

-Ed R.

Our top-notch style, unbeatable pricing, and innovative marketing have set new heights for our clients.


Selling a home is more of an art form than a mere application of science. Have you ever come across two similar properties in the same area selling at vastly different prices? That's the result of a successful strategy.

The Truckee Tahoe real estate market is heating up in 2023 with high demand and low inventory levels. This presents a prime opportunity for homeowners looking to sell in the area.

If you're considering making a move, now is the time to capitalize on the market conditions and maximize your return on investment. Let our team help you navigate the process with a personalized consultation. Book your appointment today and discover the art of selling your home in Truckee Tahoe.

Selling your home with Kenny


Our approach begins with a thorough evaluation of your property to identify any potential updates that can enhance its value and appeal to potential buyers.

Our team will then gather quotes, devise a tailored home preparation plan, and oversee the entire process from beginning to end. You'll have exclusive access to our extensive network of vendors, ensuring that your home is ready for sale within your desired time frame and budget.

1. Discovery

At Dickson Realty, we recognize that the sale of your property involves more than just the transfer of ownership. Our goal is to showcase the lifestyle that can be enjoyed in your home, and how we present this story is of utmost importance.

To achieve this, we have assembled a highly skilled team of experts in home staging, photography, writing, and social media. With their expertise, we will craft a compelling narrative that will captivate prospective buyers and present the full potential of life in your home. Please allow us to take care of the details, while you sit back and enjoy the results of our efforts.

2. Strategy

Maximizing exposure and targeting the right buyer demographic is crucial for a successful and swift home sale. Our team at Dickson Realty utilizes a multi-pronged approach to marketing your property, starting with custom-tailored global and local campaigns.

Our extensive network and large social media presence in the area ensure that your listing receives the maximum visibility it deserves, leading to tangible results.

3. Execution

Available Pre-sale Services

  • Interior Repair

    • Painting

    • Staging

    • Floor Repair

    • Kitchen & Bath Remodeling

  • Cleaning

    • Deep Cleaning

    • Window Washing

    • Carpet Cleaning

    • Decluttering & Junk Removal

  • Exterior & Landscaping

    • Landscaping

    • New Appliances

    • Light Fixtures & Electrical

    • Hardware & More


At every step, we are your voice in the sale of your home. Our personal touch sets us apart as we follow up with each and every agent, broker, and interested party after each showing.

This not only provides valuable insights, but also gives us the opportunity to address any questions or concerns they may have about your property.

4. Communication

Negotiating abilities often go undervalued when selecting a real estate agent, yet they play a crucial role in determining the success of a real estate transaction.

Our clients frequently cite our expertise in negotiation as the primary reason for choosing us as their agent. Our training and proficiency in negotiation enable us to secure the best price and favorable terms for our clients, consistently delivering exceptional results.

5. Negotiation

Selling your property is a complex process that involves more than just obtaining the highest price. It is important to ensure that the terms of the sale are favorable and secure for you. Our team is dedicated to ensuring a seamless and efficient transaction.

We take the time to thoroughly vet the potential buyers and their agents, verifying their financial stability and ability to close the sale. Our goal is to keep all parties involved on track and to ensure a smooth and timely escrow process.

6. Close

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